Sarah Gibson (1986 - 2024)


Soak Stain (2023)

FĂŒr Kammerensemble

Bemerkung: Die Komposition von Sarah Gibson wurde durch die Soak-Stain-Maltechnik der KĂŒnstlerin Helen Frankenthaler inspiriert: Sarah Gibson: An innovative technique created by American abstract expressionist painter Helen Frankenthaler, “soak stain” involves diluting acrylic paint until it is fluid enough to pour onto a raw canvas from a coffee can. In Frankenthaler’s paintings, this technique allows one to see colors competing and blending with its contiguous rival. I love this approach and the way it provides both structured blocks of color in Frankenthaler’s works and leaves amoeba-like and uneven edges as various colors meet. In my piece, I try to play with this idea by evoking clear formal structures defined by liquid melodies and melting textures:


warp & weft (2024)

FĂŒr großes Orchester

Bemerkung: “Inspired by the trailblazing work of artist Miriam Schapiro, warp & weft is a celebration of the creative process and specifically the Schapiro-coined term ‘femmage’ Femmage, or feminist collage, defines any activity practiced by women using traditional women’s techniques to achieve their art – collage, decoupage, and weaving, just to name a few. Schapiro used the term to elevate the significance of women’s crafting in the home which was historically denigrated as ‘decorative’ art compared to predominantly male artists whose pieces were classified as ‘high' art”.


This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Monika Fink-Naumann
Institut fĂŒr Musikwissenschaft / Department of Musicology
UniversitÀt Innsbruck / University of Innsbruck
Haus der Musik
UniversitĂ€tsstraße 1
A - 6020 Innsbruck